North Carolina Closer to Legalizing CBD, Hemp

North Carolina has made a lot of inroads when it comes to CBD. Thanks to recent legislation, CBD and hemp are fully legal in the state. Since the bill just passed, it’s now headed to the governor, and he is expected to sign it. To find out more about the bill and what is in it, go on and read ahead.
Senate Bill 455
On June 1, 2022, the North Carolina House passed Senate Bill 455 by a vote of 86-25. Senate lawmakers previously passed the legislation unanimously. According to the bill, farmers could continue to grow hemp for fibers in various products. They can also grow hemp specifically for CBD items like tinctures, oils, and other consumables. As required by law, these CBD products must contain no more than the federally allowed limit of THC.
Reasons for Passing the Bill
For years, many have argued that hemp is different from other substances due to its low percentage of THC. Many believed that laws kept many consumers from CBD. CBD advocates have pushed legislators to make products more accessible. With the new law, consumers are more informed about CBD and how they can benefit from a plethora of products.
Green Leaf for All
While CBD is gaining wider acceptance across the U.S., it’s no wonder that more people are looking for high-quality CBD products. One of the top choices is Green Leaf. We sell an array of premium products perfect for diverse consumers. Whether you’re looking for tinctures, crystals, or crystalline powders, we have it all plus more. Feel free to browse our website to learn more about our selection. 


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